Services to the Community
UFSC Joinville provides several services to the community. Learn more about them here.
Scientific Dissemination
Espaço de Ciência e Tecnologia [Science and Technology Space] (ECT)
This initiative aims to strengthen the interaction between UFSC and the society, seeking to contribute to the popularization of science and technology. The space has attractions related to the environment, renewable energies and technology. Visitors can interact with models, simulation equipment, games, among others. Activities aimed at secondary schools are also developed there, such as workshops on robotics, energy, artificial satellites and games. Take a virtual tour of ECT here.
The UFSC Teaching, Research and Outreach Week (SEPEX) is one of the biggest scientific dissemination events in Santa Catarina. Since 2000, the event brings together works developed at the University in the form of scientific exhibitions open to the public on its five campuses. Projects in the areas of communication, culture, education, technology, environment, work, human rights and health are presented. Short courses, lectures and parallel events are also held during the SEPEX. Learn more here.
Extension Courses
Pre-UFSC Joinville is a free preparatory course for the university entrance exam, aimed at public school students in Joinville and the surrounding region. The aim of the project is to offer quality tutoring to allow everyone to have access to higher education, especially public higher education. Upper secondary students and those who have already finished school can apply. The project has the collaboration of faculty and students from UFSC Joinville, UDESC Joinville and Univille. Learn more here.
This extension program offers free on-campus and online courses on astrophysics for the general public. Registration is always open: you can take the course at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want. Learn more here.
Every six months, UFSC Joinville offers a preparatory course with math contents necessary for first-year students to perform well in courses such as Calculus I and Physics I. It is open to students from other academic schools at UFSC as well as from other institutions. Learn more here.
Entrepreneurship and Consulting
ESATI is a junior enterprise formed by UFSC Joinville students. Based on the technical knowledge acquired in their undergraduate programs and with the supervision of experienced professors, ESATI provides consulting services to companies in Joinville and the surrounding region. Check out ESATI’s service portfolio here.
ETECH is the junior enterprise of the Mechatronics Engineering program. Like ESATI, it is managed by undergraduate students and provides services in the fields of Mechatronics and Technology. Learn more here.
GAPE TL (Application, Research and Outreach in Transportation and Logistics Engineering Group) is a study group that brings together students interested in improving their knowledge through projects developed with companies, research, outreach activities and constant study, including readings, discussions, training, lectures and participation in events. Learn more here.
The BSJOI Sectorial Library is located on the Joinville Campus. In addition to student and staff services, the external community can make local inquiries, attend courses, and ask for guidance on normalizing academic work and databases. The collection includes technical books as well as general literature.
Book Club
Viajantes Estáticos [Static Travellers] is the UFSC Joinville book club. The group holds monthly meetings and is open for community participation. Click here to check the club schedule.